Monday, November 4, 2013

And now the waiting begins

I am feeling extremely good about this month, from little signs my body gave me to what the doctor saw during my Transvaginal Ultrasound. We are now in what the IF community calls the 2ww or two week wait.  By the way, is not actually 2 weeks, since I am so irregular we may have to wait longer to find out either way.
Side note:  I found this amazing blog the other day that has a pretty comprehensive list of all the abbreviations used in the IF world.  When I first joined some of the online support groups, I was Googling every other world and abbreviation. 
Tomorrow I am headed to a local Fertility workshop spearheaded by one of the women in my Resolve support group. I am pretty excited about it. Not only is my Doctor one of the speakers but they are also having several vendors, from other support groups to a Fertility Acupuncturist.   I am really excited to learn more about the Acupuncture, I have heard really good things about it.  It is not covered by insurance & expensive, so it is something we will only try down the road if we are still not successful.  Even if I am pregnant right now (one can only hope & pray during this 2ww), I want to learn all I can.  I plan to be a huge supporter of all research and support.

For now I am trying to stay busy, with my busiest Pure Romance month to date, getting back in the grove of working out and working hard at work.

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